Homes and Communities Without Racism.
Our mission is to provide housing and housing-related services for Black and Racial Minority (BRM) communities in Liverpool.
We aim to enable tenants and local communities to influence decisions that affect their lives.
We will do this by putting racial equality at the heart of our work and challenging discriminatory social and economic structures.

Steve Biko Housing Association is one of only two Black and Racial Minority (BRM) Housing Associations based on Merseyside.
We provide quality, affordable homes and services primarily, though not exclusively, for Black and Racial Minority people in need of housing.
SBHA are recruiting Board Members
We are looking for people with a diverse range of skills, who can operate at a strategic level & who are committed to making a difference within the neighbourhoods that we operate.
RT @HousingOmbuds: What lessons can the wider sector learn from our report into Rochdale Boroughwide Housing? Sign up to our free webi… https://t.co/2zn5YKfEAH
RT @TheWomensOrg: Over the next three years, The Women's Organisation will work with @SmallwoodTrust as a trusted Community Grant Par… https://t.co/oDxwAcElbr
RT @PlusDane: KIDS EAT FREE at M&S cafes from the 3rd to 14th April! Kids can get a free munch meal when adults spend £5 or more.… https://t.co/9l4Q9TZKJK
RT @HousingOmbuds: A reminder for all social housing residents that we are holding a virtual Meet the Ombudsman on 11 April. You can… https://t.co/DkxDp5uoNG
RT @KateNHF: We’re committed to making the social housing sector the most inclusive place it can be. That’s why we’re repeating… https://t.co/qhVOMf8dGM