Find a Home.
Please note that our waiting lists for 1, 3, 4 and 6-bedroom properties are closed until further notice.
Our only available waiting list is open for 2 Bedroom properties and Sheltered Accommodation.
Please note that we will only email application forms for 2 bed properties and sheltered schemes.
Online Application Form.
Please click here to complete our online application form.
Once you’ve completed all of the fields, save the file and send it back to us at applications@stevebikoha.org.
We encourage all applicants to also apply to Liverpool Property Pool Plus in order to improve their chances of being offered a property.
Request a Print-Ready Application Form.
If you are interested in applying for one of our properties and would like an application form please email applications@stevebikoha.org to request an application pack, or contact us directly by completing the form below.
We encourage all applicants to also apply to Liverpool Property Pool Plus in order to improve their chances of being offered a property.
Due to COVID-19, our application process is now only available via email.
Our Properties.
Steve Biko Housing Association tenants can register to Homeswapper if you wish to mutually exchange your property with another:
SBHA tenant
Housing association tenant
or local authority tenant