About Us.
Who We Are.
Steve Biko Housing Association is one of only two black and racial minority (BRM) housing associations based on Merseyside.
We provide quality, affordable homes and services primarily, though not exclusively, for BRM people in need of housing.
We currently own 276 homes comprising of family houses, sheltered accommodation and general needs flats. We also have a small number of shared ownership schemes.
The majority of our properties are currently located in the south inner-city areas of Liverpool.
How We Deliver Our Services.
Steve Biko Housing Association delivers housing management and community regeneration services from our office in Liverpool.
We outsource our repairs through HMS and finance services through managing agents, North West Housing Services. We monitor and manage the services that HMS and North West Housing Services provide through a management agreement. Both HMS and North West Housing Services follow our policies and procedures when delivering services for us.
Homes and Communities Without Racism
Our Vision.
Our Objectives.
Promote Equality.
Influence those that provide services to BRM communities to develop and deliver solutions within a framework that promotes racial equality and challenges discrimination.
Develop Governance Structure.
Develop a governance structure that enables the board to make informed decisions and to determine and deliver the strategic objectives of the organisation.
Be a Quality Organisation.
Develop an organisation that understands the operating and regulatory environment and has robust systems in place for effective management and financial accountability.
Empower Communities.
To empower tenants and residents so they can influence housing and associated quality of life services.
Provide Quality Services for our Tenants.
To provide quality homes and related services, in areas of choice for BRM communities in line with their identified needs.

We will provide housing and related services that are responsive to the needs of black and racial minority (BRM) communities.
We will enable tenants and local communities to influence decisions that affect their lives.
We will do this by putting racial equality at the heart of our work and challenging socio-economic structures that contribute to or entrench discrimination and disadvantage.
Our Mission.
Our Values.
Be open and transparent.
Not tolerate racism and discrimination.
Provide services that are creative and innovative.
Use our unique position as leaders on diversity to influence.
Maintain our independence.
Listen, involve and deliver – to meet the aspirations of our tenants.